游戏《亿万恋人》开发者log & 技术支持相关 V1.6
大家好我是亿万恋人的制作者大水獭,首先非常非常感谢大家对我的游戏有兴趣购买和游玩!上线的这几天收到了很多反馈和建议,非常感谢![爱你] 这个游戏是我以前在校课余做的小游戏,没钱宣发,上线的前几天也大约只有10多个评价和不到一百的销量,所以我原本是直接放生这个,开始做下一个项...
Welcome to Ayacat Games, a game startup dedicated to crafting short, captivating narrative games that resonate with players around the world. Our team of passionate writers, designers, and developers is committed to creating immersive, story-driven experiences that make players think, feel, and connect with the world around them.